Saturday, 8 March 2008


The issues on DLA has met my personal goal with regard to the "why" I started the blog.

It was to inspire and empower my HIV+ peers. It was to come together as a community to create a unifed independent voice. Raising issues that we all face. Holding those that need to be, to account. Constructive in nature. To set the foundation of a "movement" that passes on to the next generation. To create a "safe environment" for the quieter voices to channel their views.

This has been a rollercoaster ride.

There is now a core group of us. Doing our best to push our common agenda forward.

You must participate and not allow it to just be us and our voices here. It may take time to develop in you - trust in us. Time for you to feel comfortable to contribute more directly. This is always going to be an aim and will just take time.

If you don't use us, I am worried that, as with organisations of this type in the past. You might loose us. I would hate for that to happen.

However it is early days yet, so don't worry unduly.

As a group we have decided to call ourselves Tcell as in T-Cell. I like the orgainic implications of this name. As our group with grow organically. "You need to plant a seed and feed it, in order to grow the tree." I like the fact it is heavily related to HIV, it is a common term we may all be familiar with. I like the fact that T helper Cells encompass what we are trying to achive. To provide, as best we can. The information to empower and help us take more control over our HIV.

I like the fact it is catchy and easy to remember.

To that end over the next few weeks & months we will develop a website

I will post more to the main blog as it arises. will be our first campaign.

The group will take time to grow. We as a team are mindful not to be distracted unduly from the main campaign at the moment.

I am really grateful that those in the team have given there time & support to grow something for us all in the longer term.

The kindness, skill support, offered, time given freely and passion has been pleasantly overwhelming.

Of course. YOU. Reading this have had the most affect on my life this year. You have taken it down a path I never imagined. What energies I have left, that my HIV affords. Have a very worthwhile direction. I have grown personally so much and still continue to to do. Thank you.

Thank you for passing the word around. It may seem a little thing to so. But believe me it is the best way to contribute.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. This helps us gain a clearer picture. It starts to break down the barriers and demonstrates the stirring of empowerment at the grass roots level. Which is encouraging and leads by example.

This blog is personal. I make no apology for repeating this common theme.

One person can make a difference. I am a lay person like you. We are as a community standing up now and being counted. If this inspires just one person take that courageous first, difficult step, to being more open about their HIV. Personally I have achieved my goal. I want to support you.

I very much would like to hear your experiences on this front.

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